Change in School timings leads to daytime sleepiness and poorer academic performance
Qysar ul islam Shah
Scorching heatwave and extreme temperatures can severely effect our health. Heatwave can strain our bodies so we cannot afford to ignore them. The effect of heatwave on human health can be significant, particularly for venerable groups such as tender children, older and those with chronic medical conditions. Heatwave can cause heat exhaustion, dehydration, headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, muscle cramps and so on.
Studies have attributed insufficient sleep as one of the factor contributing to poor school performance also can impair memory and concentration, make it difficult for students to learn. Recent government decision of changing school timings with effect from 24th of June have raised mixed reactions among general masses. I had met so many parents which were annoyed with the decision that change in timings yield nothing, it would have been better if extension of summer vacation got endorsed.
Considering the prevailing heatwave situation and change in timings, officials coming from distant places might face lot of inconveniences by reaching school before 8am triggers a lot of contradictions.Most of schools stretching from primary upto upper primary don’t have sophisticated Infrastructural facilities to beat the severe heat. Government should have come up with the strategy without being marred the children’s cozy cot. Most of the parents decided not to send their wards to school, because they prioritize their health first then education. There have been surge in heat stroke, dizziness and extreme fatigue among blooming buds since culmination of summer break.
This adjustment aims to mitigate the adverse effects of the heatwave on students and ensure their safety and well-being. To lessen the burden of early going to school, better would have been from 9am to 2pm for primary upto secondary level. I witnessed many students of my native hamlet wiping their tender eyes before boarding in school buses. Their guardians holding school bags in early time bears an awkard look. School going tender buds with insufficient sleep hours had serious repercussions on their learning aspect. Falling asleep in class makes it impossible to learn. More common less noticeable and therefore much more of a problem is that students who don’t get 8-9 hours of sleep find it more difficult to concentrate in class and their ability to remember what they read or hear is impired.
Teens need to get up before dawn to get to school on time. Teens who get less sleep are also more likely to be overweight or obese. When teens don’t get enough sleep, their bodies go through hormone changes that make them more tired and hungry. Because they are more tired, they often exercise less and drink more sugar filled caffeinated drinks. This starts a vicious cycle of weight gain, which leads to stress, which leads to sleeping less.
Putting in succinct, morning time is essential for both student and teacher.The atmosphere is congenial and deviod of noise and congestion.The only negative aspect is that schools aren’t self sufficient in accomodating and offering all the desired facilities keeping in view of scorching heatwave.Those at the helm of affairs should look into it that schools are facing innumerable hardships. Portable water scarcity has hit almost every school.Schools have been doing hard round the clock to arrange potable water. Lavatory sector in most of the schools has got severely affected. The long dry spell has badly affected the wells and tap water system.Think tanks must ponder over such grave issues to extend Summer break instead of timing change.
Qysar ul islam Shah teacher by profession ans colomunist.