Midnight suspends itself on a rock wall
the Hands of Fatima knit shades of blue over the valley
sounds, chirps of migratory birds
flutter of old keys hidden in lonely drawers
run with me and let’s get married
the forest speaks
dark silhouettes of that which may not be
antediluvian, the fingers of all virtues and desires
walk barefoot on my grandmother’s finest shawls
braid my hair with smells of lavender and roses
grow green leaves on skins of tapestries
the moon sets altars among trees
frantic crickets play the violins of dusk
steel a star and set it on my finger
scents of berries and of pines sigh promises of love
bewitched, the trees shed their golden sap at our feet
souls, the confluence of unknown rivers
wounds inside the labyrinths of mind
I harvest pain and joy from prophesies and sands
I make the valley grow the heaviest of wheat
I let those who are not,
to be
a nightshirt lies on a deceptive bed of flowers
with naked hands pick all my reveries
the night is pregnant with starscapes
marry me!
Gabriela M.
Imagine jumping out of a sky diving plane with no parachute, or probably going into the hunger games. No one among us has the courage to do so but these are the things we all have the urge to do. So what to do? Don’t worry books have your back? You can experience every emotion, every feeling and make new friends while sitting on a chair without moving.
There is a common question among kids why books are important? You know how they say “Reading books gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are”. Even if you have read one good book in your life, you know what reading gives you. It gives you an incomparable pleasure; a liberty or we can say a superpower of travelling without moving. I will run out of words but pleasure of reading a book will not be complete. So read one good book and you will know what joys of reading are.
Reading nourishes your mind. It gives you both information and knowledge. During the olden times, reading was restricted to just books. Today, we have the internet housing so much information, hosted on thousands of websites. We have the internet housing so much information, hosted on thousands of websites. We have books online and e-book readers that make reading so easy. The web, our new storehouse, is just a click away. But this, in no way has stolen the magic of reading books, the sound of their page fluttering, their smell…. You can cure up with a book anywhere, anytime cure up with a book anywhere, anytime.
Children who grow up reading books definitely stand out. The way they think and act is way different from those who have never been exposed to reading. Reading not only adds to their general knowledge but also shape their personalities. Reading has a great positive impact on one’s life.
Reading books is important during the formative years of one’s development. It’s during childhood and teenage years that reading inspiring stories can have a deep impact on one’s mind. Though reading might seem like fun, it can be helping your bodies. Read as much as you can and please turn from spectators to participants, so, grab a book you like and don’t stop till you reach the end and I promise you will surely enjoy it.
Hannah Imtiyaz , 9th Purple