“The Martyrdom of Hussain signifies the victory of religion over heathenism, good over evil, truth over falsehood, spirit over matter”
Pandit Jawahir Lal Nehru)
Haroon Rashid Bhat
The love for one’s family is a natural human instinct. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) too expressed a deep love for his family. This kind of love and attention toward Imam Hassan and Hussain (PBUT) is not just a family love, rather it is beyond that. Zaid Ibn Arqam reports that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I am leaving behind two weighty things for you; the first of them is the book of Allah, which is the guidance and the light, and secondly, my family and I remind you about my family” (Muslim). Another Hadeed narrated by Abu Hurairah RA, he relates that the beloved prophet approached us while Hassan and Hussain were with him; one on each shoulder. He kissed one and then kissed the other until he reached us. A man said to him, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Indeed you love them.’ He affirmed, ‘Yes. Whoever loves them loves me and whoever hates them hates me”.
On seeing such scenes, all the companions started to give them extra love and respect. They used to love and care for them more than their children. The affection of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) towards Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (PBUT) was so obvious, that historians and narrators have recorded many different instances of this affection. Abu Bakr Ra used to pick up Hassan’s RA on his shoulder and said joyfully, “By Allah! He resembles the Prophet”. In his period, Umar RA fixed Hassan’s stipend at par with the senior Sahaba. During the period of Ummar RA, the second Caliph, Hussain RA reached the age of adolescence and the Caliph had fixed five thousand as compared to two thousand for the sons of all those companions who had participated in the battle of Badr.
One time the governor of Yemen sent cloaks for the winter for all Sahabi children. Imam Hasan and Hussain (Radi Allahu ‘Anhum) did not receive any cloaks. When Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu) heard of this, he straight went to Yemen and demanded the most precious cloak of Yemen to be gifted to Hasan and Hussain (Radi Allahu ‘Anhum), a cloak that is better than the ones worn by any children. It is reported that one day, Imam Hasan approached the Holy Prophet SAW and climbed on his shoulders, one of the companions witnessed this beautiful scene and remarked, “O, blessed son! What a nice steed you have”. In reply, the Holy prophet declared, “ And how nice rider too” Ibn Saad (An Eighth-century historian) narrates from Ash-Shabi that Imam Ali (RA) while on his way to Siffin passed through the desert of Karbala. He stopped and wept bitterly. When asked about the cause of his weeping, he commented that one day he visited the Holy Prophet and found him weeping. When he asked the cause, the Apostle of Allah replied, “O’ Ali, Jibrael has just been with me and informed me that my son Husain would be martyred in Karbala, a place near the bank of the river Euphrates. This moved me so much that I could not stop weeping.” The birth of each of these two princes was the occasion of immense rejoicing for the entire Muslim community. They considered them among the greatest of God’s blessings and thanked Him for them. At the birth of each of them, the Muslims poured into the Great Mosque to congratulate him. He greeted them with smiles and thanks and shared his happiness with them.
When these two princes grew up a little and were able to toddle around, companions of the prophet waited eagerly for instances to sit with them, kissed, and hugged them. Not only Abu Bakr RA but all the other caliphs were very fond of Hasan and Hussain. They all respected and loved both Hasan and Hussain (younger brother). This was the love the companions used to have for Hasan and Hussain RA. “ Indeed, Hussain (A.W) is the king and king of Kings. He is the religion and one who gave refuge to the religion. He gave his head in the way of God but did not surrender to Yazeed. ( Kharwaja Mohidin Chasti). “Imam Hussain uprooted despotism forever till the day of resurrection” ( Dr. Sir Mohmmad Iqbal) Not only the Muslims but the Non-Muslim upheld a high opinion about their personal life and contributions. “ If Hussain (A.W) fought to quench his worldly desire ( as alleged by certain Christian critics) then I do not understand why his sisters, wives, and children accompanied him. It stands to reason, therefore, that he sacrificed purely for Islam.” ( Charles Dicken). “ The Tragic Story of Karbala is as fresh as hear breaking as on the day when the greatest saint of Islam was Slain; but after fourteen centuries, the inspiration of Imam Hussain’s example still shines, to guide countless seekers after the truth and freedom.” ( Smt. Sarojini Naidu). The Martyrdom of Hussain signifies the victory of religion over heathenism, good over evil, truth over falsehood, sprit over matter” Pandit Jawahir Lal Nehru)
Haroon Rashid Bhat is a teacher and columnist, can be reached at minamharoon123@gmail.com