Peer Mohammad Amir Qureshi
Black magic, commonly referred to as witchcraft, is the use of supernatural power for evil and self-serving motives, as well as to carry out malign activities to cause someone’s physical, mental, or financial demise. The victim’s hair, clothes, pictures, fish, animal bones, and blood can all be used in the process. Although black magic has been performed for years, it is nothing new, thus in this day and age we must be extremely cautious. Black magic causes Irrational worries in people, changes fortunes, and confounds people. Avoid the Mubiqat (main crimes), namely shirk (associating partners with Allah) and witchcraft, according to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). 5764 Sahih Albukhari. This Hadith can be used to determine how wicked performing black magic or sorcery is for someone. Unconscionable behaviour has never been advocated by any religion, society, or civilization; rather, it is human beings who have created it by twisting several verses of the Quran that Almighty Allah provided to us in order to obtain salvation.These nefarious actions have dramatically increased in Kashmir over the past few years. It’s an old procedure. Once, sorcery was also used to spell out our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), and that terrible deed also had an impact on him.
Recently in our valley, a lot of videos have appeared on social media where this serious problem has been exposed with tangible evidence in an effort to awaken our conscience and stimulate thought about this tumultuous situation in which our society has become seriously entangled. Even if we have the right to call ourselves Muslims and residents of Peer Vaer (the valley of the saints), we have regrettably offended the purity of our moral, religious, and etiquette standards. The people that engage in these bad deeds are referred to as “pirs,” and they do it in order to make money. This bad deed is done to disrupt someone’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being as well as to split up families, end marriages, lose business, and damage marriage connections.Individuals frequently act out of jealousy and use sorcery or black magic on one another to degrade them emotionally or financially. People have now gone beyond all bounds, and they now desire to murder one another using black magic because they are jealous of one another’s advancements that Allah has bestowed them. What will these people do on the day of the resurrection if they are not pardoned in this life or the next? Is their morality gone? Don’t they realise that they will be held accountable for their actions tomorrow? How can we sleep soundly if we make other people’s lives miserable? Well, by doing this, we merely contribute to a great mountain of sins for both this life and the next, become the perpetrators of fratricides and sycophancy, and give rise to condemnation in our community.As a society, we must take strong measures to punish people who engage in this atrocity. To stop this threat, our ulama (social preachers) need to step forward. They ought to preach on this societal issue, explaining the repercussions of one’s actions both now and in the future. SocIal activists ought to educate the public about the negative effects of the wrongdoing that individuals commit against one another.Social activists ought to educate the public about the negative effects of the wrongdoing they are committing against one another. The so-called magicians (pirs) who carry out these wicked deeds should be completely shunned in society .On the antidote The Last Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), advised us to recite chapters 2, 112, 113, and 114 of the beautiful Quran and perform the Sunnah prayers at home regularly until the evil’s effects vanish.
The Author is A ganderbal Based columnist and is pursing MSc in zoology. He can be reached at