Approves establishment of Hygam-Ningli-Tarzoo Tourism Development Authority
Srinagar, Jun 16,2017
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today approved the proposal of the Power Development Department for implementation of the 93 MW New Ganderbal HEP following the recommendations of the Sub Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Deputy Chief Minister.
The 93 MW Project has been conceived as a run-of-the-river Project on Sindh Nallah, a tributary of river Jhelum.
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today accorded sanction to the creation of Hygam–Ningli–Tarzoo (HNT) Tourism Development Authority, under the administrative control of the Tourism Department comprising Tarzoo, Hygam, Rekh-e-Hygam, Panjipora, Ringi, Trumgund and Check-e-Hygam. Cabinet also accorded sanction for the creation of 13 posts of various categories.
The demand for creation of separate Tourism Development Authority for Hygam – Ningli – Tarzoo (HNT) was raised many a times by the locals before the Hon’ble Chief Minister. Creation of an independent Tourism Development Authority will help in harnessing the tourism potential of the area in a big way.
The Hygam Wetland Conservation Reserve of Hygam Rakh as it is locally called is the largest remaining breed bed in the Kashmir Valley, being of major ornithological importance. It is located on the flood plains of River Jhelum at an altitudinal of 1580 mts. Both Ningli and Tarzoo areas are abundantly endowed with natural beauty and many scenic spots.
The Cabinet further directed that Planning, Development & Monitoring Department will earmark necessary funds under the capex budget for the authority to enable it to take up the works of urgent nature.
Cabinet approves establishment of Medical Block at Rajpora
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today accorded sanction to the establishment of Medical Block at Rajpora, District Pulwama along with creation of 12 posts of various categories.
Cabinet approves policy for engagement of 534 forest graduates as Rehbar-e-Janglat
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today approved a policy formulated by the Forest Environment & Ecology Department for engagement of the registered un-employed Forestry Graduates, DDRs and Post-Graduates under the name and style “Rehbar-e-Janglat” in the Forest department.
For the purpose, creation of 333 additional posts of Forest Guards in the relevant pay scale was also approved.
The Cabinet further directed that a comprehensive study be undertaken by the concerned departments to critically analyze the impact of engagement of manpower under various “Rehbar” Schemes.
Cabinet approves creation of 56 posts in Tribal Affairs Department
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today accorded sanction to the creation of 56 posts of various categories in the Tribal Affairs Department. These include 6 posts of District Tribal Welfare Officer, 16 posts of Tribal Welfare Officer, 6 posts each of Accounts Assistant and Senior Assistant, 16 posts of Junior Assistant and 6 posts of orderly.
Cabinet approves creation of 5 posts for Pashmina Testing & Quality Certification Centre Srinagar
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today accorded sanction to the creation of 5 posts of various categories for the Pashmina Testing & Quality Certification Centre (PTQCC) of the Craft Development Institute, Srinagar. These includeone post each of Manager (Quality Control)/Technical Manager, Technician (Chemical), Technician (Mechanical), Assistant Technician (Chemical) and Assistant Technician (Mechanical).
To promote the trade of genuine handmade Pashmina, a Pashmina Testing & Certification Centre was set up under the aegis of the Craft Development Institute, Srinagar for proper testing, hallmarking and promotion of “Kashmir Pashmina” brand. Centre was established with a grant-in-aid of Rs.444.42 lakh provided under the ASIDE Scheme, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.
The Centre offers testing facilities relating to various fibre and yarns especially Pashmina and is at present, able to test and label around 200 products per month. For overall development of regional Pashmina craft, the State Government has approved Rs 2 crore for procurement of additional equipment and facilities to strengthen the PTQCC. Need was also felt for additional manpower for the smooth functioning of the Centre.
The Cabinet directed the Department of Industries and Commerce to take steps for encouraging Pashmina related activities in Basholi and areas of Ladakh region also.
Cabinet sanctions ex-gratia relief in favour of NoKs of Late Chamail Singh
Directs Home department to pursue compensation in cross border firing with the Union Government
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today sanctioned ex-gratia relief of Rs 5 lakh in favour of NOKs late Shri Chamail Singh, R/o Pragwal Mulo, Akhnoor, District Jammu, who died in Kot Lakhpat Jail, Lahore, Pakistan on 15.01.2013. The Cabinet also approved compassionate appointment for one family member of late Shri Chamail Singh.
The Cabinet directed that pending cases of compensation/relief payable to NoKs of victims of cross border firing particularly of Sambha and Bishna Constituencies be settled as per the extant norms/guidelines.
The Cabinet further directed that the matter with regard to grant of compensation to the NoKs of Armed forces killed/injured in cross border firing be taken up by the Home Department with the concerned Ministry in the Central Government.
The Cabinet also directed that the matter with regard to payment of compensation to livestock/cattle killed/injured in cross border firing be pursued by the Home Department with the concerned Ministry in the Central Government.
Cabinet approves one-time exemption for transportation/removal of timber of PAFs of KGHEP
The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today accorded sanction to the grant of one time exemption for transportation/removal of 68100 cft of salvaged timber subject to a maximum limit of 300 cft per dismantled structure in favour of 227 Project Affected Families (PAF) of 330 MW Kishanganga HEP from submerged areas to their rehabilitation areas in relaxation of prohibition contained in Kashmir Forest Notice and the Land Transportation Rules. This Transportation of salvaged timber shall be strictly regulated for bonafide use by the concerned officers of the Forest Department who shall ensure that no illicit/fresh timber is transported in this garb. The process of transportation shall be completed within a period of four months from the date the orders to this effect are issued by the Government.
The PAFs of Badwan, Khopri of Gurez Sub Division had requested for allowing transportation of salvaged timber of dismantled structures to outside territorial jurisdiction of Gurez Sub Division.