Wuhan 14 Apr 2020
WUHAN, China—Chinese doctors who have for months treated patients on the front lines of China’s fight against the new coronavirus offered a sobering assessment of the potential treatments, saying they hadn’t seen clear evidence that drugs such as chloroquine were effective.
One doctor, however, said he saw some promise for Kaletra—an antiretroviral drug for HIV.
I don’t understand why everyone was so fast to jump on the chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine bandwagon. The data has always been mixed, while other drugs such as remdesivir have had better results. In the French study that got so much hype, the patients treated with hydroxychloroquine didn’t even do better than the controls. They cleared the virus faster, or at least the ones that didn’t go into the ICU or died did. Meanwhile, noone in the control group died.In the French study that got so much hype, the patients treated with hydroxychloroquine didn’t even do better than the controls
No controls in that study, so you don’t know what you’re talking about apparently…drugs such as remdesivir have had better results
I haven’t seen anything much about remdesivir other than trials are under way, and that rather suspicious case where they gave it to the first US patient on a compassionate basis simply because his sats dipped a bit and his chest x-ray looked a little worse.
Is there any other data out there about its performance in the field? ( Wall Street )