Dr. Rashid Rashdee
If we say that in the 21st century, the downfall of Urdu in India was brought about by the Urdu people themselves, especially the venal and corrupt Professors, then nothing will be wrong. Because it is the Professors of Urdu who appointed the incompetent candidates in the universities and colleges by forming gangs and taking bribes and thus this gang of incompetents is increasing and now many corrupt gangs have come into existence. Together with the university board and PSCs and recruitment agencies of various states, they have attacked the roots of Urdu language and literature. And these corrupts have filled his belly with illegal money, built bungalows and bought cars
Is this justice that a JRF, UGC NET, PhD holder and whose articles have been published in leading journals of the country should be dropped in the selection. Rather, it is open loot. Theft in broad daylight. And throwing dust in the eyes of other llegible candidates, spoiling their careers and ruining the country’s education system. Urdu people first damaged Urdu by grouping and then drowned its raft with mushaira and biryani. And thus the rightful one is not getting his due and the one who is “smart” and shrewed is earning illegal money through bribery and flattery.
They filled their bellies with bribery and flattery, but it did not do any good to Urdu. Rather, day by day, Urdu is heading towards decline. Urdu has now become a slur. Neither the teachers nor the students are good in it. The one who does not understand anything takes admission in PG Urdu and then memorizes two or four poems and becomes a critic and Professor and the eventually loot starts.
A late critic once said that Urdu Professors belong to the fourth generation of ignorant people (jaahil) (although the late critic himself was patron of a group) but now the situation has reached such a level that these Professors belong to the fourth generation of Corrupts and Venals. It has been observed many times that expert Professors of Urdu accepted bribes and settled a deal with a candidate for 10 to 15 lakhs. From Jammu and Kashmir to Bihar, Delhi, Banaras, Allahbad and Maharashtra, there have been several reports that Urdu Professors have taken bribe for appointments.
This is a not only sad but also a criminal act. But it is futile to expect justice and honesty in a country where everything is submerged in bribery. Merit has no value. No one cares about other’s hard work and ability. Just how to make more money, everyone is engaged in bribery.
From the universities of Kashmir to the University of Aligarh, many Professors have lured women scholars into their nets and then recruited them into the DepartmentS. Some paved the way for their wives through bribery etc. According to reliable sources, usually the deal is fixed at 10 to 15 lakhs. And this news is not a secret but spread all over the world in minutes through social media.
In such a situation, how will Urdu language and literature develop? Only mushairas and biryani gatherings will be decorated and koruma and botis will be distributed in conferences. And then there will be secret talks about who earned and ate more and who was left behind.
No one has sunk the boat of Urdu as much as the corrupt and ignorant Professors. By bribery and flattery, they have completely hijacked Urdu world. Misled the students. From 2017 Jammu and Kashmir College Lecturer Appointments to Bihar and UP College Selection, they did big rigging. Crores of rupees were stolen from the candidates, the news of which appeared in various newspapers and even on the radio. But since the government or government officials were involved in it somewhere. So no action was taken on it.
In the university, these Professors wait for their candidates , from which maximum money can be taken or when the vacancies for Assistant Professor and Lecturer and how many vacancies are to be advertised. Thus the Professors have made it their domain. But these ignorant and conscience sellers should know that this is a government institution and every government institution belongs to the people. In this way, they should know that by rigging, corruption they are axing the feet of the nation.
The problem has reached such a point that the university shortlists are now decided jointly by the Professors. Who to bring for an interview, who do more flattery and who to receive “property” from? All of them decide this together and call their approved candidates for interview. And then the interview becomes a formality.
In this regard, this writer talked to many former candidates and they said that the rigging that happens in the Urdu world is hardly found in the selection of any other subject. And these bribes and frauds are the reason for the decline of Urdu language and literature.
“I scored well in the exam and was among the first three candidates for the interview,” said a former candidate on condition of anonymity. Also UGC JRF. Two books and more than ten articles have been published in UGC recognized journals. The interview went well, but when I saw the results, I was not even in the waitlist. Then I came to know that the deal had already been settled for 10 TO 15 lacs.
According to one candidate, ‘Urdu professors are connected, they have their own network and when a Professor is called by a recruitment agency, they inform other Professors from where there are chances of getting money etc. . “
A candidate says, “When the JKPSC recruitment agency of Jammu and Kashmir was the interview day for Urdu, a Professor from Jammu met the experts in a hotel a day before and after a few days the results were announced. It appeared that the deal was already done.”
Similarly, another candidate says, “A former Professor has now made this fraud system his livelihood. Earlier, he used to write MPhil and PhD theses for money, but now he earns good money by brokering.” Many such stories where the legitimate candidate was not selected. Which has also exposed Professors and recruitment agencies on them. And this hideous game of bribery has been exposed.
In such circumstances, what will be the possibilities of the development of Urdu language and literature, everyone can understand. Urdu should first be freed from bribery and flattery. The Professors of Urdu should know that by writing thick books and appointing their relatives and wives, they are not doing anything good to Urdu, but on the other hand, they are leading Urdu to decline by this bribe market . With bribery and flattery, new students of Urdu are also getting disgusted with Urdu. Honest Professors, experts recruiting agencies have to think about it. Only experts with good moral conduct and record should brought as expert. This is a moment of concern for all of us.
Rashid Rashdee works with the news agency in New Delhi