SRINAGAR ,Sep.06,23 :
In yet another instance of its commitment to education, particularly for the marginal communities living in remote areas, ELFA International in collaboration with the Directorate of School Education, Kashmir today distributed Mid Day Meals kitchen sets/ utensils among the sixty six (66) seasonal schools of district Budgam. Dr. Tasaduq Hussain Mir (JKAS) Director School Education Kashmir was the chief guest on the occasion. Other dignitaries present included Mr. Mehran (CEO, ELFA International), Roomani Qazi (Chief Education Officer, Budgam), ZEOs from different zones and other senior members from ELFA International.

Dr. Tassaduq Hussain interacted with students, informing them of the prospect career opportunities beyond conventional modes and stressed upon the hard work and commitment to their goal. He appreciated the role of ELFA International in turning such initiatives into reality and working for school going children across the UT. He expressed his hope that such collaborations will continue in future and whenever called for, the Directorate will be ready to extend its helping hand.

The event was unique and of marathon nature in its nature of outreach. Students from the local schools presented a heartening collage of cultural activities, which not only highlighted the rich cultural legacy of the area but also the awareness of school going children about this rich heritage. A unique feature that characterized the program was that Instead of calling the teachers from these seasonal schools to zonal office Budgam, the worthy director himself, accompanied by Mr. Mehran, CEO ELFA International, Chief Education Officer, Budgam and other office bearers including DIET principal, Budgam and senior team members from ELFA International travelled to these hilly, rough terrains to distribute these Mid Day Meals Kitchen Sets among these seasonal schools.