Recollecting a line from the poem ‘Sunrise’ by a Dogri poetess ‘Padma Sachedeva’ – it is never late to rise, whenever the sun rises it is sunrise and linking it with the school children has drawn my mind to write down some suggestions for the examinees at this crucial juncture of their career for it has been seen that the motivation and encouragement work effectively as compared to putting a pressure over the children for achieving excellent grades in board exams. Padma Sachedeva has excellently created the atmosphere of motivation, readiness and morale boosting in the said poem. The plot of the poem very simply elaborates the conversation between a late comer student and his teacher who perhaps is dogmatic and conserved in his approach. And the theme of the poem is reflected from the response of the student who says that is never late for the sun to rise whenever it rises it sunrise. Hence, the note of optimism and foresightedness.
The poet questions the wisdom of the school master who admonishes the students when they fail to turn in time without trying to know the reasons that holds them. The poet is of the view that it is better to be late for the light of knowledge than to have no light at all. While reciprocating, the sun answered that there was no wisdom in under estimating the gleams of the sun for there is not any fixed time for the sun to rise. The poem brings out two facets of Padma’s poetry. Love for children, desertion of ignorance. She believes that there is no set time for intellectual freedom and enlightenment. All school children must be taught with loved and to be trained to love knowledge.
So wishing all the students who are supposed to sit in the final exams of Secondary and Sr. Secondary exams likely to conduct by JKBOSE/CBSE/ ICSE in February –March 2025 best of luck combined with my ingenuity and expertise in teaching filed prompts me to put forward some modest proposals in terms of the guidelines before the students so that they feel at home while preparing/ appearing for/in the said exams. As it has been observed and experienced that most of failures are caused not due to incompetence, but due to overstress and exam pressure. My dear students, remember, academic exams are not going to determine your future progression perspective. No doubt these exams will show how much prepared you are to face the coming exams in future. Passing an exam depends upon some tactics like understanding of content, revision and retention. Human mind is designed in such a way that we tend to forget eighty percent of what we have learnt in a day. So, if our learning is competency oriented instead of content oriented we shall never feel in want during exams. Learning dates and events, a technical formula, sequences is not any efficiency. It shows only the memorizing aspect of a learner which has been scientifically proved in the sense that most of the things leant in previous class are not in the mind of a learner in next grade. Because, the short term memory (STM) doesn’t allow the content to remain there. Dear learners, our mind is like a computer memory that has two segments ie; Primary Memory and secondary Memory where the former is a volatile and the latter a non volatile one. Once the power supply is off the data stored in first one is lost. In case of second one, the data is stored for the long- run and can be used at any time in future. Elaborating the analogy let me explain it further that our mind consists of conscious, subconscious and unconscious parts that work differently during the learning / observation process. Conscious portion is volatile like Primary memory of computer that is why the information stored here is lost just after the power supply – here touch with the source of knowledge is disrupted. While as the concepts leant with full concentration and deep observation are stored in subconscious portion of mind that remains there for long run. So, without putting you in the ambiguity I would like to take directly to practical side of your exams and I hope, after reading and understanding it you will feel a difference.
- Figure out the contents of syllabus that are not still clear to you. Jot down them in your dairy notes. Figure out the marks allotted to these contents from your syllabus copy. Out of these contents separate the contents that are technical in nature and that are theory based. Just make your focus on the theory based contents as the technical ones may require more time and would lead you to stress. For instance, in science subjects, there are numerical problems that require very fast practice and deep concentration. Leave them aside if you feel that the time is less. Prepare only theory portion. But don’t forget to relearn these things after the exam is over. In case the marks allotted to these technical contents is at par with the theory that usually doesn’t happen, it may impact your overall percentage of marks. So in order to prevent the loss of parentage, select the more easy ones and prepare them. If they have least marks then it is better to leave them for time being.
- Download previous papers from the concerned board websites and check the pattern of paper and the allotment of marks.
- Understand the nature of questions given therein. You must comprehend whether the question is information based or competency based. Check the answer of these questions from the solution section of the sample paper. Check the standard of the answer given therein. Try to train your mind for assimilating the ideas and thoughts related to that concept. Practice them on your own and match your answers with that of those given in the practice paper. Note down the mistakes and try to correct them.
- Focus on time management during examination. Majority of the students complain of having got less time in exam that is in no way justified. Even university exams have the duration of three (3) hours only.
- Download unsolved question papers and make a self assessment. Better to attempt online mock tests that have a specific and fixed time duration that will help you manage the time in final exams.
- Legible handwriting adds to your impression on examiner. So try to write very neat and clean. It is obvious that your examiner may not be able to evaluate your responses if he can’t read your responses mean that if your hand writing is not legible(able to be read).
- Most of the students make a big mistake that they consume the maximum time in responding to SQAs (Short answer questions) that have only 1 or 2 marks allotment. Such questions need only a sentence or two in an answer. So don’t be lengthy here.
- LAQs (Long Answer Questions) require a response of 120-150 words and especially check your creativity. So attempt such questions prior to all. Write down your responses out of your own thought process related to the topic. Such questions check your judicious comprehension of the phenomena or process that you have learned about inside your class. It will also facilitate you to answer the SAQS in a clear way that is relevant to LAQs.
- Put the reading comprehension at the end as these passages are followed by MCQs of 1 marks worth. And the fact being the beginning moments of examination are pressureful and it becomes difficult to comprehend the reading passage. So, better to solve it at the end of 3 hours durations. In order to save the time you can only mentions the options only.
- Avoid attending marriage functions, festivities and other celebrations. Avoid noisy atmosphere. Change your place in case you feel so because noise disturbs our mind and we can’t focus.
- Avoid the people with negative approach that say nothing is going to happen as there are no visible chances of employment after passing exams.
- Last but not least, be optimistic, don’t lose your courage, be confident, but not overconfident and more specially try to keep a good health. In case you feel any sort of depression. Consult any counselor. If a counselor is not in your reach, consult your subject teacher. S/he is the best counselor and can give the best possible guidance. Don’t be superstitious in the sense that if your results are not good, you will lose your honor or regard in your family. Your parents love you unconditionally. Be humble and pray to Allah with a sincere heart that you remain consistent and focused during the said important phase of your studies.
- May your future be bright and shining with a legal source of income and honor. God is there to take care of you and bless you with grace.