The US decision to announce Jerusalem as capital of Israel has came as a shock albeit expected outcome of newly elected President Donald Trump. It’s nothing but continuation of USA’S support for its long lasted ally to keep the derailing peace in West in doldrums forever. There’s a long list of pending issues on global scene but the Palestine problem by far surpasses every issue in backdrop of its sensitivity and urgency to keep hope for millions to live the life of dignity. The UNSC establishment after WWII was nothing but aspiration of war ravaged humanity to keep conflicts at bay for peace and security on the principle of live and let live. This platform albeit elite in nature provided legal procedures to resolve disputes of international stature through due process of law. Kashmir and Palestine remained at the front as for as credibility of UNSC is concerned. There’s one to one connection between these disputes especially from in or it point of view. I would like to comment the minority versus majority. Both of these disputes are soars there right from inception of mutual security mechanism of UNSC. While the one deals with territories occupied by force other claims it on being given refugees to become colonialists later. Kashmir issue was taken to UNSC table by India on the pretext to defeat Pakistan,thanks to cold war rivalry. Despite back to back resolutions the dispute still survives its place and tastes sturdy periods like 2010 oft repeatedly.
Palestinian people gave open handed welcome to Jews,then slaughtered by Hitler way back in 1940’s on pretext of racialism etc.The Jews slowly and steadily magnified their socio economic attributes with some backward linkages across Atlantic. The rise to JEWS to influential community paved way to conflict with Arabs or local Palestinians who have performed their service on humanitarian grounds to save them from wrath of Hitler. The processes went on with well sorted disputes like 1967 war or so and created the zone of conflict where no one but USA benefited. The nexus with their patrons in white house amplified their support and win wars for them in a covert manner by defense equipment support. Not only physically the Israel got their due from America on UNSC table right from 1947. They vetoed everything meant to establish peace in Palestine from logical point of view. The question here’s the role of USA,when we talk of Camp David agreements or so. For better the concern of US was to keep its global image intact at that time on premise of its Gulf allies. Now the recession of US hegemony shows the frustration of Jerusalem Designation as Israel capital. To its counterpart it shares the relationship of peace and goodwill, Kashmir also became dispute of international stature parallel to Israel.
On 2nd front both issues remained hot debates ever fertile on table with Arab support for Israel and Pakistan support for Kashmir. The fact here is the violation of moral code of conduct by security forces in occupied territories. The incidences of 2010,2016 in Kashmir to that of Gaza attacks in 2013 and anti intifada operations share a thought of similarity. Black spots of involvement of security forces in human rights violation with torture, pellets, bullets, crackdowns, etc are the order of day in both places. The allegations of rape like Kunan poshpora, Shopian to counterparts in occupied West Bank are there for us to look into the abuses against humanity. Is this the Truman doctrine or trump doctrine to support human rights? Is this the democracy we applaud? Is this just order for UNSC? Herein lies the worst orientation of these disputes the humanity is facing as the day for occupied minorities in both regions seems bleak to live for. It’s synonymous to a caged parrot who could only manage to shout on streets through uprising like 2016 in Kashmir to call for intifada in Palestine only to manage pallet guns and bullets.
Thirdly both issues are controversies between majority and minority or poor versus rich matter where the former only manages to sacrifice their lives on streets in prospect to better their lot for future generations. Where the Muslims are in majority herein Kashmir but the national scene is captured by Hindus who denounce the dispute in one go by claiming it their integral part. Same like that of Israel’s claim for Jerusalem despite the establishment of Masjid Aqsa there. In fact the tide seems parallel to flow now with support on UNSC table through hide and seek policy engagement with US for Israel and Russia for India. Fourth and most important is the stature of both disputes as international conflicts. Though the conflicts are there at the place but the irony is the resolution at UNSC table and its subsequent sidelining by controlling powers India and Israel. Kashmir sustains the resolution through back to back resolutions for right to self determination and Oft repeated support of UN for two state solutions to whole Palestine. These issues are UN designated which undermines its significance nowadays ipso facto. Both of them are yet to be solved. The international community needs to awake from slumber and take front like Scandinavian countries to stop India and Israel for atrocities against Muslims to secure the planet from wrath of radical trend. Whenever the issue moves beyond the limits of faith it could only manage the creation of HM and ISIS later.
The saying goes “Before you act see where did you stand”. We stand on the period of crisis for UN which has kept the WWIII at bay up till now with clear signs for future now. Which moral and ethical code supports entry of India in UNSC table and biggest democracy on planet when it abstains from implementing UNSC resolution in former case to atrocities against youth through draconian AFSPA and pallet guns in later case? The issue is not of Muslims or Jews but the issue of humanity to remain aloof from negative approach like 9/11. Iraq was invaded on pretext of nuclear weapons with huge pile in their backyard at home. Who authorizes US and USSR to keep 1000’s of such weapons then? Who authorizes the big powers to wreak havoc in Syria? Who authorizes India to make paradise valley a blind valley by pallet guns? Who authorizes it to claim jk as integral part despite being none of its business? The need of 21st century global leaders is to shed the notion of egoism as the day for UN seems poor now. The world is awaiting a big tragedy if the issues of minorities in Kashmir are not resolved in quick span of time. It doesn’t need century to clean polish the race by one among their own ranks in shape of HITLER when the water reaches to its level. I hope to see the issue of Kashmir reaching its logical end in near future, the establishment of people’s choice and the establishment of Palestine with Masjid Aqsa as sacred place for whole Muslim community. The sooner it’s done the better it’s to avoid the awaiting tragedy.
Shahid Majeed Mir can be reached at