As it is the holy and blessed month of Ramadhan, muslims throughout the world including muslims in Kashmir have still some myths regarding the fasting during Ramadhan. Still confused that being in a state of Rozadari (a Kashmir word for fasting) may have an increased risk of deadly infection known as dehydration. The health experts and researchers are continuously advising the people to increase the consumption of fluid for that helps to keep mucus membranes moist.
Now the questions arises: Does fasting weaken the immune system? Does fasting cause dehydration? These are the questions in every mind of muslim population worldwide at such a turbulent phase.
What Researchers and health experts say?
Being a researcher I want you to follow the world health organization (WHO) guidelines. As recommended by world health organization (WHO) people are advised to drink plenty of fluids mainly and do gargles with warm water to keep their throat and respiratory tract moist. Many health experts throughout the world say keeping up fluid intake prevents dehydration but not guaranteed to have this novel infection.
What Islamic Institution says?
According to Al AzharAl Sharif, the top Sunni Islamic institution issued a statement that muslims are required to fast this year and fasting has not possible impact of increasing risk of this novel infection.
They have asked world health organization (WHO) if drinking water would protect people from being infected with corona. The answer from their side was “it was not proven that water can protect anyone from catching the virus.”
In the end I hope this Ramadan will come to in our rescue and forgive all our sins as in Ramadan one good deed has a recompense of a thousand rewards.
Gowhar Rashid is Researcher at SKIMS Soura, can be reached at