Bhat Hilal Ahmad
In 2005 then Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh established a seven member high-level committee headed by former chief justice of Delhi High court Rajinder Sachar.Justice ( retired ) Sachar was a champion of human rights , a vetaran socialist leader and a distinguished jurist who latter passed away in April 2018 at 94.It was when Congress returned to power as ( UPA-1 ) after an unprecedented period of 8 years in the opposition.The initiative was the commissioning of a comprehensive report on the latest social , economic and educational conditions of muslims in India.The committee submitted a 403-page report titled , “ Social , Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community Of India : A Report “ to parliament in 2006 which was made available in public domain on November 30 , 2006 twenty months after obtaining the terms of reference (TORs) from prime minister’s office.The report highlighted the issues faced by Muslim community and their role and representation in public life.
Sachar committee report was the first of its kind to reveal the “backwardness” the term used in a legal discourse for historically dispossessed or economically vulnerable communities and not as a pejorative for Indian muslims.It defined backwardness interms of three parameters viz identity , security and equity.The committee highlighted and presented it’s suggestions on how to remove impediments those preventing Indian muslims from fully participating in the economic , political and social mainstream of Indian life.The report showed the growing social and economic insecurity that had been imposed on muslims since independence.It was found that muslim population estimated at over 130 million in 2001 was under-represented in the civil service , police , military and in politics.Muslims were found more likely to be poor , illiterate , unhealthy and to have trouble with the law than other Indians.
The committee made observations on the high birth rate in the muslim community in comparision to Hindus.It highlighted that muslims constitute 14% of the Indian population and only comprise of the 2.5% of the Indian bureaucracy.It was further revealed that 25% of muslim children in the age group of 6-14 have either never went to school or have dropped out at some stage.Only 1 out of 25 undergraduate students and 1 out of 50 postgraduate students in premier colleges were muslims.Besides , percentage of graduates in poor households persuing postgraduate studies was significantly lower for muslims.Hindus general ( 29% ) , SCs/STs ( 28% ) , OBCs ( 23% ) and muslims ( 16% ).Not only so , the unemployment rate among muslim graduates was found highest among all socio-religious categories , poor as well as non-poor.Nevertheless , it was maintained that the income from Waqf Properties should have been about Rs 12,000 crore whereas it was actually less than 200 crore.That certainly raised questions and indicated a scope for transparency in the waqf board management.Sachar committee concluded that the conditions facing Indian muslims were below the standard of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.The committee recommended setting up an Equal Opportunity Commission to provide a legal mechanism to adress discrimination complaints including in matters such as housing.Latter then finance minister proposed an increase to the budget of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation ( NMDFC ).As a measure of political empowerment the committee recommended that delimitation should be done in such a manner that muslim representatives should be able to win in assembly and parliamentary elections.
The report was based on 2001 sensus data received from many different sources like RBI , NBARD , National Commission for Backward Classes ( NCBC ) , National Council Of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ) and other government commissions and organisations.Data was also sought from ministries , departments , public sector undertakings , Universities and colleges.Sachar committee recommendations aimed to promote inclusion of the diverse communities in India and their equal treatment.It emphasised initiatives that were general rather than specific to any particular community.
In March 1947 father of Indian constitution Dr. B.R Ambedkar had wrote in “ the memorandum of rights of states and minorities “ that , “Unfortunately , for the minorities in India , Indian nationalism has developed a new doctrine which may be called the divine right of the majority to rule the minorities to the wishes of the minority.Any claim for the sharing of power by the minority is called communalism while the monopolizing of the whole power by the majority is called nationalism.”
While UPA government established the committee but it did nothing concrete for its implementation in its entire tenure untill it lost the power in 2014.It is true that since independence successive governments should have done much better than this in this direction.Afirmative action should have followed atleast after the limelight of sachar committee report if at all not any time in between after independence.Successive governments should take initiatives for preservation and conservation of ancient cultural heritage and for promotion of art and culture.There should be an absolute equity and secularisation and a positive official portrayal of muslim identity.That will suit the country which is know as symbolical to Unity in Diversity.However , muslim community can not simply run away from its responsibilities.Muslims must change their attitude and strive to become part of development and changing India.It is their responsibility to show that will power to participate in the country’s economic , education and social mainstream.And education is the gateway to achieve that goal.Leaders representing muslims should push for their space in governance and democracy to deliver change and development.It is their duty rather than an obligation.As per Article 51A ( J ) of India constitution it is the fundamental duty of every Indian to strive for excellence.God helps those who help themselves.
Bhat Hilal Ahmad ( Biotech ) is a writer , columnist and an analyst.He is keenly intrested in Indian Polity.