I fear the day that technology will take on our -humanity. ..the world will be populated by a generation of idiots.
-Albert Einstein
What we need today is to preserve the glorious tradition of humanity,that is to be at front to face the problems arising out of curiosity or reality.We have the privilege to dive into the sea laden with pearls of knowledge.We need to sort how much we can dig out from the treasuries our ancestors stored for us.We have to improve to pay them off.
We face an unfamiliar situation and without hesitation just google it or ask a friend who is online often if not always.Is that a human attitude we were born with? Definitely NOT! We have to trust our brain .We cannot educate people unless we educate ourselves.In this social media era our brains are being hypnotised by endless promises and hallucinating suggestions.We do not need them at all. It can work out as a strategy for the social problems. All we need to do is to feed our brains through books and ideas.Provided with all the bonuses that science has bestowed us. It is unfortunate our brains are being forced to sleep. We are being remotely controlled, our minds preoccupied and at the end of the day we are just the creatures not the humans.
Does it mean we should give up? No way! We are The Humans-the Dominant and Super compatible ruling the earth from ages. We somehow manage a way forward. All we need is to set a balance between our goals and our habits. Our exploration of nature is already a gone thing.Nature is our ultimate and a reliable friend.It understands every language anytime anywhere from anyone without any special protocols that modern day sources demand from us.To put it in a simple way we can say Nature is always ONLINE.
Everyone wants the coming generation must be free from every distraction that we faced. For this we need to give them quality time in their early years. We have to be their entertainers like the circus clowns.We must not show any signs of laziness. We should understand our kids were not programmed for social media by default.It is we people who taught them.At the time when a kid needs to be attended we are always busy laughing,making faces and doing unnecessary stuff all infront of our kids. They are totally abstract from this,but for how much time? We keep ignoring their needs and we weave a trap of social networking sites around them. They get busy as we get busy. We forget they have a childhood to experience – the most beautiful phase of one’s life. When they take a selfie we applaud them. Did we ever applause their curious questions?Did we ever pay heed to their needs?The answer is shamelessly, NO!Ultimately they are being absorbed by social media that takes them into a different world where the curiosity of knowing dies out.It seems a multiflavour life for them.This was the age to teach them the lessons of life,morality and ethics.We push them to darkness. We are to be blamed for this because we never bother. Did we make a responsible citizen out of our kid?No! The reality is they never learnt a thing that they could utilise in life and the society to be formed by such kids will be impotent and full of disorder. We need to act now.We need to attend their curiosities ,provide them enough time ,listen to their silly ideas,deal with patience and support them for every good.
The way our Old generation raised the kids is an option for us,like that GOOR GOOR KARYO KANN KAY DOORO.We nurture them in our arms , saturate them with kindness and be a torch bearer for them . We must not let them be at the mercy of artificial gadgets in their childhood.They only utilise their learning time and that is the biggest injustice we do to our kids.The sooner we realise the quicker we will achieve.
Rizwan Ajaz is a system officer at j&k high court. He can be reached at rizwanbhat2010@gmail.com