Mudasir Ahmad
Each student is naturally endowed with myriad of abilities of doing something big in his life but still he needs of a proper guidance for making the career that could lead the way to achieve goals .Nobody is a special learner in the field but all need guidance somehow i.e(Rehbaree) to get the milestones. our school going students should not face such challenges at this stage where flowers get faded away in short period leaving the garden unvisited and barren like. Due to this, their life could be more complicated and insecure to overcome various academic challenges. Let’s start with my own example when I was a student of B.Sc final year at Shri Pratap College.Once I was in the lab performing dissection over the Prawn to see its anatomical features. I tried quite hard to dissect but couldn’t. Meanwhile my professor came in and asked what are you doing Man? I answered him sir! I couldn’t do this. Look my dear! This is not impossible at all. He gave me a little idea and I went on following it and finally I dissected the Prawn. From the above lines one must assess that one could help others in crucial time in order to find a way for doing something. It must bridge the harmony each other. It is believed that every student is not same in terms of intelligence, comprehension and so on. According to John Dewey, Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which enable him to control his environment and fulfill his possibilities. One more quotation given by Gandhi, Education is drawing out of the best in child- body, mind and spirit. In a border sense, if we understand the term Education in real sense. It is meant to develop horizons of learning. From time immemorial, it has been an unceasing process since the humans started settling on the earth. This discipline has brought many viable changes and developments in the world in terms of Education, Socio-Economic development, Environmental Education, Political and Social security etc;
Career guidance in the context of educationist visualized and interpreted that it is a sort of assistance given to students in drawing out their inner capabilities as Frobel quoted that Education is the enfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. So it is clearly understood that there is already something embedded within individual. Abilities can be in many forms like; Art, Shrewdness in grasping and cognitive aptitude to solve difficult reasoning and analytical questions. Indeed, a teacher can shape students career well by knowing their different problems which they are facing in the academics. Students sometimes fail to achieve those targets later they feel them quite insurmountable for keeping it upright when such upheavals creep into their field without giving alarm for rescuing their career. Early guidance is therefore a tool that would make them quite resourceful and develops more ingenuity and efficiency in them to perform better at every stage. It has been noticed in institutions that Students face a lot of problems while selecting a course for taking admission in colleges for achieving higher education. It is factual that a good number of students quit their studies in mid of high schools education that has been resulting in career destruction.
Even though, students have to see many forms of courses in different semesters till the completion of their Graduation and Masters. They see everything new dealing with some sort of adjustments for passing the semesters. Paradigms on different fronts arise in the subjective curriculum in the ambit of Educational Policies. They may appear to create other new challenges that could hinder the progress. It may divert students to many other fields entangling them in unnecessary activities which are detrimental to them that might affect their academic career. Lack of career awareness is a very big issue found among our students from the perspective of modern education that seriously needs to be relooked again. It would be very conducive to organize small workshops from middle up to higher secondary level. Students feel desirous to seek solutions for their problems at early stage. There should not be any lack in promoting guidance to students whenever needed. Career based avenues should not be limited to higher education only but it should be promoted at the school level whereby a concreted base can be built. Students have to take the whole burden. This burden can be equally lessened if our Education department will formulate a career shaping guidance team at district level who will visit the institutions to interact with the students knowing their career choices. It will benefit the students at large and lots of problems get solved by itself
The Author is M.Sc, B.Ed and working as a teacher, can be reached at