By Eijaz Mir
THE MONTH OF PARADISE:- Ramadan, the month of blessings, forgiveness and mercies is immensely casting it’s holier shadows upon all the inhabitants living in the whole universe. The month is spreading its pious, holier and sacred shadows upon those who believe in oneness of God, Almighty Allah , including those who doesn’t even prostrate Him once. This month proves the crucial turning point to wash our sins forever. It is washing our menace of evils and sins continuously since from day one. The month is enriched with love, peace and compassion. It is constantly relieving our pain, suffering and increasing our patience on every single passing day. The month is endowed with peace and patience. The glowing power of love and compassion among people is rendering loyal services and sweet fruit. This month gives us the ultimate will power and determination to survive without eating all day , thus bearing huge patience. It is the month of paradise, the month of heaven and the month of seeking ultimate blessings , mercies , love and forgiveness of Allah.
Ramadan is the month of building character and the way to bear all hardships with self determination.
Refraining from eating and drinking is the highest level of patience through which Muslims have to go in these pious and holier days. It is not only to refrain from eating, drinking but is also the month which circumnavigate among Muslims the character building resistance. Every single sin done by us is dashed and washed away by the blessings of this month. The whole universe looks like God’s world, fair and sensitive with infinite peace and love. This whole month is casting upon us the millions and billions of forgiveness, blessings and mercies. It governs the system of character building and morality among people.
There is no doubt to the fact that the whole month of Ramadan is bestowed with bounties of blessings. This month is the best month of the year and the most holiest one. But the last Ashra, the last ten days of this month are the most pious and sacred occasion for the whole humanity, especially for the Muslim world. These ten days are the best Ashra of the month Ramadan in terms of seeking forgiveness of Almighty Allah. The last ten days of this month are in progress and people are seeking the forgiveness and freedom from hell fire from Almighty Allah. The importance and essence of this Ashra is huge and immense and it’s beauty is explained in AlQuaaran and Hadith. The beauty of the last ten, the last Ashra are the most precious days of life, in which the Muslims are showering with infinite bounties of mercies and blessings from the creator.
In one of the Hadith, it is said that in the last Ashra, last ten days Allah gives freedom from hell fire to millions and billions of people.
Allah says in AlQuaaran, in surah AlQadar, there is one single night in the last Ashra of this month which is better than thousands of years. Whosoever worship in that single night will be rewarded like worshipping Allah for thousands of years. Such reward and gift by Almighty Allah to His believer’s is the recognition of His relenting approach towards us. Allah’s mercies and forgiveness overpowers His angriness in this Ashra and people seek forgiveness of sins from Him. He becomes happy with His creation and in return gives them million dollar regards. Since people are bestowed with best hygiene and health in this month. As per scientific study, when we completely refrain from eating our body starts to eat harmful germs inside our body. This helps us to combat with diseases like cancer etc. And our body starts working properly. Such hygienic benefits are only possible with the blessings of this holy month. Especially it shows it’s results at the top in the last Ashra of this month. As per scientific observations, the body kills such harmful germs completely at the end of thirty days.
There is also a huge importance to the last Ashra of this month in aspects of doing Atikawf in the Mosques. Muslims start to do Atikawf for the period of last ten days and seeking complete forgiveness from the hell fire. The people making dua’s in the last ten days is rewarded with utmost outcomes. The fortification and purification of inner conscience reaches to ultimate heights. The human hearts dirt and stink is being removed forever. And pure heart free from all evils starts to bloom inside our body. Thus reformation of pious selves starts to deliver its results in the form of good deeds and Muslims reach the goals they deserve. And ultimately Paradise is waiting for them. The door of paradise Bubul-Reyaan is opened for us to enter. After the completion of last Ashra of Ramadan people become free from malice of sins and evils. And in one of the Hadith, it is narrated that the person doing Atikawf in the last ten days is an example of a new born soul. As if, he is born new to his mother free from all sins. Thus obtaining complete salvation and purification of his self.
Since the last Ashra is pouring upon us it’s countless and infinite bond of love , compassion and patience.And we are at the verge of attaining our rewards from Almighty Allah. He is listening our prayers positively and our firm belief upon Him shall not go in vain. He will give us infinite remuneration in the form of His mercies, blessings and forgiveness. He is all relenting and compassionate and will never waste our tears of repentance.Our tears would not go in vain. Our awful wailings and crying is responded positively by our creator. These last ten days are priceless and precious for the believer. Whatsoever they wish, Allah is going to fulfill them with that. Refraining from eating and drinking, refraining from sins and evils, refraining from mischief and fraud , refraining from the ill desires of id etc. is going to bestow upon us with priceless extraordinary rewards and gifts.
The last Ashra is in progress, so please for God’s sake don’t miss the golden opportunity to enter the paradise of Almighty Allah. Do good and have good by surrendering your will before His will.
May Almighty Allah accept our all the prayers in this holy month, especially in the last Ashra, the last ten days of holy Ramadan.
The writer is a freelancer and writes on current situations and issues. He can be reached at