For all reputation on national security of new Delhi, the India is grinding in one more important lynch refraining from angry mobsrapists;they have no mistake of gavrakshak attacks,rapes,and assassinating killings in many states of the country from Kashmir to Kenya kumariby the help ofunite power of bjp which has claimed loss of livesand destruction of human lives in all ways so forit would have long lasting impact on diversity which is the gifted ethos of this nation. The citizensof this country from head to tail can tolerate a lot but they won’t tolerateoppressors of targeting their beloved ones in native land as was In Jammu and Kashmirat kathuaDistrict how she got raped and brutally killed by mobs in sacred place but the most shameful thing is that the lawyers who supposed to stand for justice took apart protests in favor of Rapists they didn’t even let to wait of investigation to counter.
What the country needs now is an important debate how diversity and secularity can refrain from political avenge and how to improve domestic security in homeland for all genders to live freely. it will likely get a series of shouting and screening panels on TV and radio“the problems have updated from the time whenvote for change came into existence” the policies of RSS is rioting; the opposition parties are incapable ofcontrolling them on the behalf of law and orderto snap the link of their account butthe New Delhi is unwilling to provide the leadership the country is needed.
Let’s be blunt about this Successful barbarism onoppressed groups needed the proper attention and duty of cops,defenceand other civil organizations the confidence of people positioning to potential about incendiary motifs but this is exactly where ethos is failing“We can offer a good example to whole globe at a time it seems to be looking up the group in flames Instead we are just unfortunate we are not as competent as the great jummriahIran.
The majoritarian conservativegovernment deserves much of blame who have flamed every coveand much more interest is to scoring the votes than getting and fulfilling the jobs and creating the space for employment. Supreme court has been verily known about to accusedpeople’s without any doubt’ but they have also alienated potential allies and ignored by very this “barbarism” so far they areworking for them to serve their political interestto minting the money and flowingthe blood.
It’s very complicatedto hold a peaceful spaceday by daybecause we have given much importance to the politicians”they are doing nothing for anything and havesome other alies of them to make colorless leadership run bythem. Hardly anyone wants to monitor the surveillance of leaders and officers, hate preachersas the land is much needed to control “whom are still active on chairs as designated “A class ministers and public workerseverywhereit seems useless judiciarysystem. The governmentalso tobe needthe straight forward waysand non-political approach to counter them and quite the official support that can be work to mindthe dead works to protectthe citizensand their natural rightstoo also it must take harder stand against Goons who are whipping racism against minorities. this is not special favors, it is unequal treatment to positioningthem by laws and ordersin a democratic country.
RSS should have to take responsibility and challenge those who solely want to poison the democracythey should have to followharder lines for them who say blasphemers must die and preach hatred against other sections. They have to coordinate collectively to improve fraternity among public. Although Most victims of beef slaughters andoppressed beings wasMuslims but brokers of beefs and rapists wereHindus but stilthe muslims have been targetted and there is no hueand cry really they poisoned the wall of country.
The world is more extreme and simplistic as we are the more notice we get on screens and displays. A click hungry industry automatically rewards people who get the most attention. Popular conversation in country now resembles a mule pit more than a debating in societyareshouting the slogans underneath.
Every time such episodes comes under way but the government diverts its attention towards unauthentic by calling more surveillance. The news media duly follows its blind path with lead and circulates the newses form of primeval propaganda’s by grisly shots. While the government has cut funding forso called right wings and grass hovers of goof policing”they have turned country into most anger savagery as we have seen the rapes,killings,murders and tortures in front of our eyes they made this country the preetest Hell”the one feel unsafe now from east to west “north to south.
Once the dust settles in the eyes of vegetarians’ theydemandto know how the country can prevent from non-vegetarians when the boys they would have to known about the girls clothesthis issue of nothing made into something”nothing can be change any time If the country don’t get lessons from its examples ever”They should learnand must takeadvices from the great jummriahIran.
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