Appeals LG to dismiss order of Helpers, Supervisors & demanding Pending Wages
The Jammu and Kashmir Anganwadi workers staged a protest at press colony Srinagar, appeals LG Governor to Dismiss order of helpers, supervisors and were demanding release of pending wages.
According that scores of Anganwadi workers under the banner of J&K Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Association Kashmir assembled and staged a protest at press colony Srinagar while demanding release of their pending wages and appeals LG to dismiss the order of Helpers and supervisors.
An anganwadi worker said to that we have not received wages from last several months and we have been working round the clock.
The Anganwadi worker added that the authorities should pay our wages as we have a family to feed.
Pertinently to mention here that government has disengaged 918 helpers to supervisors in Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme of Social Welfare Department last month.