Since 1932, starting with Abdul Qadeer’s hanging and formation of Muslim conference (first party of Jammu and Kashmir) there has been mass promotion of the false narrative about Kashmiri Muslims and their freedom movement. A lot of books have been written to promote this false narrative against Kashmiri Muslims but hardly any attempt has been made to demystify this popular narrative.
The promoters of this narrative are 4% minority pundits whom one time Kashmir’s tallest leader Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in his autobiography ‘Atashi Chinar’ called Instruments of Tyranny. They promote this mythical tale that Kashmir’s mass conversion to Islam was forceful. Some have indulged in character assassination of great Mir Syed Ali Hamdani and other saints. Some writers have descended to lovet ebb of Polemics by accusing Kashmiri Muslim’s of forcing pandit girls to sleep with jehadis in 1990’s for the sake of azadi. They accuse Kashmiri Muslims of attacking, killing, looting Kashmiri Pandits. In an essay, a Kashmiri Pandit Marxist writes that “Hardly any Kashmiri Muslim would have got job in Kashmir University or any top position at other places, if Pandits wouldn’t have left valley”. This is the thinking of progressive Marxists pundits about Kashmiri Muslims. Most of them even justify killings of Kashmiri Muslims calling them terrorists. This is the collective thinking of Kashmiri Pandit elites which is nowadays promoted on Indian National media.
It is in this context that Khalid Bashir Ahmad, a former bureaucrat (one of the few retired officers who have used archives with proper methodology) has made a timely entry with his book Kashmir Exposing The Myth Behind The Narrative (Sage Publishing).The main aim and biggest contribution of this book is demystification the false narrative promulgated by Kashmiri Pandits against Kashmiri Muslims.
The book demystifies the satisar (Kashmir as a huge lake in past) myth using not only historical but Geological arguments. The book narrates the history of Islam in Kashmir and mass conversion to it. There have been Muslims working in royal armies in Kashmir before the advent of sufi saints in valley. Rajtarangni has references of muslims being part of army in valley during Lalityadatya’s time and during other empires. The author points out that, there was gradual conversion not forceful conversion in Kashmir. The author gives arguments against communist writers that Rinchin Shah converted to Islam for expanding his empire. The author cites evidences of many temples or other hindu properties being intact in the valley even after claimed to be damaged by Muslim empires.
The author gives account of how Dogra Empire was formed in valley with the help of Pandits and how they oppressed Muslims. e.g. When there was feminine in 1877-79 Wazir Pannu Pandit an Administrator, is said to have told “No Mulims should be alive”. Hardly any compensation was given to these famine stricken Muslims.
The author gives details of media, newspapers published by Pandits like Martand, which used to promote propaganda against Muslims. It is not a hidden fact that pandits used every method to keep Maharaja in good books. They even had Prem Nath Bazaz’s newspaper banned for highlighting the miseries of Kashmiri Muslims under Dogra rule. Surprisingly, first newspaper was started by Kashmiri Muslim Mohammad Din Fouq in Lahore to highlight atrocities and problems faced by Kashmiri Muslims.
The author gives accounts of 1932 Roti agitation by pundits and beautifully demystifies it. This powerful Pandit minority instigated Roti agitation led by Amarnath Kak (brother of Kashmir’s Prime Minister Ram chandra Kak who later supported Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan (Nida E Haq, Munshi Muhammad Ishaq)) against the formation of Muslim Conference and called it communal for feeling insecure against Kashmiri Muslim awakening. It was unfortunate that very few pandit homes were attacked but in response many Kashmiri Muslims were killed at the behest of Pandit community (Kashmir Fights For Freedom, Justice Mohammad Yousuf Saraf).
The author also demystifies the narrative that Kashmiri Muslim’s asked for India’s help in 1947 tribal raid by Pakistani Qabbalis. It was Kashmiri Muslim Conference leaders Sardar Abdul Qayum and Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim who asked their help for saving muslims from RSS and Akali Dal terrorists who were massacring Muslims in Jammu. More than 3 lakh Muslims were killed by these goons including Wazir-e-Wazarat (minister) Udhampur Sarwar Khan and many Muslim officers. Muslim women were abducted including the daughter of Chaudhari Ghulam Abbas, a leading Muslim Conference Leader.
The author gives account of Love marriage between Ghulam Rasool Kanth and Parmeshwari Handoo during G.M Sadiq’s tenure. These two fell in love in the place where they used to work together and married. Following which Pandits led an agitation against it and called it a forceful marriage. The author has given each and every detail of the agitation. The pandits even attack G.M Sadiq, an Indian Nationlist who surrendered Kashmir’s autonomy to India, for not supporting Pandits in this agitation.
The author demystifies another false narrative related to Kashmiri Pandits’ so called mass exodus from Kashmir. The author has been honest in his observation about Pandit migration from Kashmir. Like all killings in Kashmir maximum Pandit killings have been political killings starting from Yusuf halwai of National Conference who happened to be a Muslim. Even Kashmiri politician and writer Balraj Puri in his book “Kashmir towards Insurgency” blames Jagmohan, then Governor of valley, for Pandit migration. He send vehicle to H.N Jattu, Vice President Joint Pandit Committe, for compelling him to travel to Jammu. Even journalist Tavleen Singh in her book “Kashmir, Tragedy Of Errors” quotes her interview with one Jai Kishen in Shopian who told her “he is happy to live with Muslim brethren and it was Jagmohan who forced Pandits to leave valley”. Infact, Jagmohan forced Pandits to migrate in order to kill and genocide Kashmiri Muslims. Maximum Massacres took place in his time.
However, the author has missed the point of participation of Pandits in Kashmir’s struggle for freedom. For example, the conversion of Sudharshan Zutshi to Islam for joining Muslim Conference and fighting Dogra Regime. He even changed his name to Ghulam Mohammad Zutshi (Radio Kashmir Interview of kashmiri Intellectual, Poet and Politician Dinanath Nadim with Mohammad Yusuf Teing 1971). The contribution of Pandit Raghunath Vaishnavi ,who in 1938 was founding General Secretary of National Congress (which had nothing to do with Indian National Congress) for fighting Dogra Regime. Sampat Prakash, famous trade unionist, who was part of JKLF and campaigned in Safre Azadi movement, a signature campaign for resolving Kashmir issue, and many other pandits who support Kashmir’s just cause.
In totality, Khalid Bashir Ahmad has made wholesome contribution to Kashmir’s existing literature. The beauty of the text lies in the way he demystifies the mythical but popular narrative about Kashmir. Khalid Bashir Ahmad’s work needs to be acknowledged by Academic quarters of the valley. Also student community should not remain bereft of such an academic work. The book is a must read for all!
Faizan Bhat can be reached at