“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous” (AL QURAN 2: 183)
Personality is what makes a person unique. Personality for a lay man means physical appearances or goods looks of a person. Personality is not only the area of interest for psychologists to discuss and debate upon but it is also the subject matter for sociologists, behaviourists, educationists, business managers and the religion. Personality is a very complex and multi dimensional construct of a human being. For a psychologist personality is a dynamic concept describing the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. Different psychologists have defined personality from their own opinion and perspective. Some define it on the basis of physical appearances and some on trait factors. As far as physical aspect is concerned it relates to individual’s Charm, attitude, smiling face etc. while dealing with others. It is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. “Personality is the set of relatively stable characteristics and tendencies that determine our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour and which have some continuity or consistency over time” (Uma Sekaran). However, Gordon Allport produced the most frequently used definition of personality. He said personality is “The dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.” In essence Personality Development can be described as a process in which you can refine and polish your own persona, and building the best possible image.
Islam the true religion and complete way of life also discuss and debate upon the concepts of Personality and Personality development as is evident from many verses of the Holy Qur’an. For example The Qur’an states one of the Dua (prayer) of Prophet Abraham (AS) “Our Lord! Send amongst them a messenger of their own, who shall recite upon them your verses and instruct them in the Book (this Qur’an) and Al Hikmah (Full Knowledge of Islamic laws and jurisprudence or wisdom or prophet hood, etc.) and sanctify them. Verily you are All-Mighty, the All Wise (Al Baqrah, Verse 129). In another verse Al QUR’AN Says “He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them from filth, and teaching them the Book (Al Qur’an) and Al Hikmah and verily, they had been before in manifest error,” (Al Jummah, Verse 2).
The aforementioned two verses of the Holy Qur’an mention a word “Tazkiya” which means purifying, cleansing from all sort of filth the natural outcome of which is personality development and growth. In fact the Mission of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) was to bring about a desired and acceptable change in human behaviour as per the will and wish of ALLAH (that is personality development). Islam focuses on change from within instead of changing outer looks so as to shape a socially acceptable and fruitful personality. In His 23 years of hard struggle Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did the commendable job of personality growth and development among his followers (The shahba). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) refined the personalities of his followers in such a beautiful way that they became the most pious, cultured and civilised people of the world till dooms day.
The Holy Qur’an while discussing about personality development makes it clear that every human being have the instincts of right and wrong, Khair and Sharr but “Indeed he succeeds who purifies his own self by doing righteous good deeds and indeed he fails who corrupts his own self by doing every kind of evil wicked deeds” (As-Shams, Verses 9&10). So Qur’an very amply describes personality development as a deliberate and continuous process of change in behaviour so as to abstain from all kinds of evil deeds and indulge in all kinds of righteous deeds. It is a travel from “what I am and what I want to be”.
Personality development has a close connection with heredity, environment, and peer group as they have a vital role in shaping our overall personality and cultivation of habits. Over a period of time we develop certain habits as Repeating something becomes habit and Collection of habits we possess portray our Personality. The renowned philosopher Aristotle once said, “You are what you repeatedly do” Legendary English writer William Shakespeare said, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us”. The roman poet Naso Ovid has rightly said Habits Eventually become character. Thinking in a particular pattern creates a mental path, the mental path affects our attitude and behaviour and those reflect our personality and character. The character of a person is directly proportional to our spiritual standing and transcendence. Since Habits depict our personality and good character is the reflection of our soul. Therefore, habits need to be filtered and changed; character building needs to be on top of agenda to shape our personality.
Ramadan the month blessed are its days and nights which provide a great opportunity to re-shape or polish our habits and transform our personality to imbue good qualities and good habits in it. Since Environment has a direct impact in shaping our personality. Ramadan provides the right environment for cleansing, purifying and is helpful in building thought process, shaping behavioural pattern and control emotions which are indispensable elements of personality development. Ramadan addresses, refines and develops the following aspects of the overall personality:
- Spiritual development: Ramadan is the season of performing good deeds reciting of the Holy Qur’an, offering five time prayers in time, offering extra prayers (Nawafil ), Dua, Standing in night prayers( Tarawih), Performing I’tikaaf all this Ibadah (Worship) leads to spiritual development.
- Knowledge and Intellectual Development: Since Ramadan is the month of Qur’an and The Quran debate and dialogue with its reciter. In the month of Ramadan we must spent most of our time in the company of Quran to recite it, to memorise it, to understand it and promise to act on its teaching. This results in acquisition of knowledge and intellectual development.
- Social Development: In this material world due to materialistic mindset we are disconnected with the society most of the times current lockdown period is an exception. Holy Month of Ramadan trains us to be kind, Compassionate and to connect with people for building a strong bond and be concerned for others as the “whole creation is the family of Allah” and we must be fully concerned towards family of Allah especially those who are orphans, downtrodden, poor and financially weak. Fasting in Ramadan help us to feel the pain of hungry. In this month we must be charitable and must pay Zakat, Saudq-a-Fitr, Khairat this will not only help the deprived financially but also send a message of kindness and love across humans irrespective of religion, region, colour, creed or language it will show the way to social development. In the middle of the current crisis due to Covid-19 maintaining physical distance is inevitable but it should not result in social distancing in the meaning to avoid social responsibilities towards certain sections of the society.“The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to the people. The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or to remove one of his troubles, or to forgive his debt, or to feed his hunger” (Prophet Muhammad SAW).
- Emotional Development: Emotional development is very imperative for overall personality as emotional immaturity and emotional insensitivity give wrong image of one’s personality. Ramadan the month in which Quran is revealed inculcates the traits of tolerance, patience and forgiveness which are significant for personality development. Quran provides Food for thought guide for behaviour and solace for emotions.
Ramadan provides such a mechanism which changes the entire course of daily life of man and is a month of introspection. We should introspect individually and decide future course of action. To conclude with the opinion of a Muslim Scholar about personality development “The first thing Muslim should be concerned with is the reform of oneself then “A Muslim should strive to attain a strong body, Good character, cultured thought. He should be able to earn a living, have pure belief and correct worship. He should be able to control his desires, be careful about his time organised in his affairs, and beneficial to those around him”. Remember there is no short cut to personality development it needs a lot of continuous struggle but better late than never so if we have shown remissness and tardiness till date with regard to our personality development then this Ramadan is a right time to increase self control and try to make one’s soul and body pure by resisting all the evil temptations and moving on the path of righteousness. Ramadan has entered in its last phase it is the right time to act and make promise to oneself to change and change for good.
Dr. Mohd Rafiq can be reached at