By Eijaz Mir
Allah says in Al Quaraan, in surah Qdar, verily there is a single night in the holy month of Ramadan which is better than thousands of months. It is the night of seeking penance and forgiveness of Almighty Allah. This night is the night of Pious Lail litul Qdar, the night in which the holy Al Quaaran descended upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW for the salvation and perfect guidance of mankind.There is no doubt in the fact that people seek absolute penance and repentance in the holy Ramadan. In fact millions and billions of people are given freedom from hell fire. Shab i Qdar is one of the most pious and sacred night Allah has bestowed Ibni Adam. On this night , the believers of Almighty Allah are given bounties and infinite rewards in the form of His forgiveness and blessings. The people are given freedom from hell fire and a new soul is bloomed inside them free from malice of dreadful sins and evils. This night is showered by the absolute mercies of Almighty, Allah. The dead souls of people with sins are washed and inside them new souls bloom.
Shab i Qadar is the night in which infinite, numberless Angels of Almighty are sent on the earth. In one of the Hadith it is said, that the whole earth is covered by the Angels of Allah. And the leader of Angels, Jabrayeel is leading them. They are been sent on the earth to witness and record the prayers of people. Whosoever worship Allah in this single night is given rewards of worshipping Him thousands of years. In this night, the mercies of Allah spreads from
sky to earth and everyone of us is provided with His infinite mercies and blessings. In this night, the believers of Allah are weeping for the sins they have done in the past and seeking forgiveness. The mosques are adorned with colorful lights and Ibn Adam is busy in doing Zikir of Almighty and seeking repentance and penance for them.
This night is adorned with Peace compassion, and love. The believers all over the world with huge spirits and enthusiasm enter in the house of Almighty Allah, doing repentance and penance whole night.They do tuwba whole night and seek forgiveness of His Creator. Muslims all over the Globe are given huge rewards of the pious deeds they have done in the holy Ramadan and their evil deeds are washed away by the grace of Almighty, Allah. They become adorable to His Creator.
In this night, all creation of Almighty Allah is benefitted with the huge and ultimate mercies. This could be witnessed while going through one of the Hadith. In one of the authentic Hadith, It is said, that even the atmosphere of that night changes abruptly as such it looks the night is engulfed with peace, calm and cool atmosphere. This is among the signs of Shab i Qadar night. Thus this night sets the perfect stage for the believers, when they refrain from evils and start new life with spiritual self and holy prayers.
Shab i Qadar is adorned with infinite blessings and mercies. It could be seen while reciting one of the authentic Hadith of holy book Bukhaari. As Prophet Muhammad SAW stated that in the precious and beautiful night of Layi latul Qdar, everyone among the believers of Allah is forgiven with his past sins. Thus Blooming a new soul and heart inside the believers (Momins) free from the dirt of sins and evils. But unfortunately, four persons remain far away in seeking the mercies and forgiveness of Allah.
A person who is disobedient of his parents and the second person who does indulge in hate, backing, acrimony and animosity. The third person is a drunkard and the fourth one who is doing shirik. They are such persons who does not get pour with the drops of Allah’s forgiveness nor any of His mercies. They remain bereft and deprived of forgiveness (Magfirat)even in this pious night. Even though such a beautiful and special night which is showered with the highly spiritual power of God.
Shab i Qadar, the night when the believers of Almighty, Allah are receiving the highest level of ultimate rewards. In one of the Hadith, it is narrated that Allah sends His Angels upon the earth to see who is seeking forgiveness, mercies of Him for them and doing repentance in this pious night. And their sleepless night is rewarded with huge extraordinary regards full of penance and patience. The Angels of Allah note down the believers woes of repentance. They are endorsed with pious vision and sight. Pertinently as such they all are forgiven and their sins are washed away by the grace of this precious sacred night. This pious night has no comparison at all in terms of its sanity, peace, love and compassion. The holy approach of the night has overpowered with the spiritual power of one God, Almighty Allah. This is the perfect night of penance and repentance.
Refraining from evil deeds forever in this pious night is the perfect tubha one could do and seek all time forgiveness of the Creator. The Muslims all over the world could never fall prey of evils if this night ends with a good note. Shab I Qadar, from dusk to dawn is engulfed with passionate and compassionate versions of Allah (SWT) . So whosoever has achieved its precious covet and ambition will never go to astray. The paradise is waiting for those believers who tasted the pious fruit of this night. They have been graced with the rewards of incomparable success. They have achieved all that, for what they were created by Allah (SWT). They achieved the real sanity and purpose of their lives. They have won the real race of life. Their good deeds have opened the door of heaven for them in which they live forever. Shab i Qadar the night of love, peace and compassion. The world will see the spiritual powers of this night. This night will prove the devastation of all evils forever.
I pray to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the universe, the most powerful, the most compassionate and the most merciful to shower upon us Your drops of mercies, love and blessings. Verily, Allah is relenting
Upon the mankind. Verily, Allah is knowing our deeds. Ya Allah, shower upon the whole humanity Your infinite and bounties of supernatural aid and divine. Wash the miseries of the people living on the whole globe.
The author is a freelance writer and writes on current issues. He can be reached at